BFS #11--Praying For Needs

The assignment this week is to visit your classmates blogs and leave them a comment to let them know that you are praying for them. There are over 200 classmates that have signed up now!
At the same time for your blog, please post any prayer needs that you have. The POWER of prayer is what binds us together with HIM!
I commit to visiting as many fellow "BFSers" as I can during the next week and praying for each one.
1.Please pray for my father that he may come to know the Savior and have a peace that passes understanding fill his life.
2. My second prayer request is for my cousin who has been struggling to find purpose and direction in his life. May he open his heart to Yeshua(Jesus) and know in his heart the plan that Hashem(God) has for him.
3. Pray for my husband who is dealing with very stressful situations at work right now and is very conflicted about a possible job promotion.
4. Pray for my cousin who is newly saved that she may grow in her walk with Hashem and be a light to her family.
5. For myself please pray that I can learn to better prioritize my time and become more organized. This is a struggle that I am constantly battling and just when I seem to be overcoming it life happens and I get off track. This situation is getting to the point where I am becoming discouraged and losing my joy. May I learn to choose joy everyday and lean on Hashem for the diligence to follow through with scheduling and prioritizing.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and have a blessed day.