Part A: Share at least 3 “Bountiful Blessings” that the Lord has abundantly provided.
- The Lord- The greatest blessing that I have ever been given is salvation through Yeshua(Jesus). He has guided our family through some very rough times and brought us through with lessons learned. He has always provided our needs when we didn't know how we would make do. I shudder to think of where I would be today without the Lord in my life.
- My family- I am so thankful that the Lord sent my husband, Jason, into my life. He is my best friend and a wonderful father to our children. In areas where I am weak he is strong and I truly feel that we complete each other. I am also thankful for the six blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us. It is such a blessing to watch our children as they play,work, learn, and grow in their walk with the Lord. I am so proud of them all!! I have also been blessed with a wonderful mother who embodies the Proverbs 31 ideal, a hardworking caring father, and three of the greatest siblings in the world. My list wouldn't be complete without saying I am also thankful for my cousin who is like a sister to me. Earlier this year she moved in next door to us. Being a keeper at home I didn't often have much adult interaction other than with my husband or online friends. Its so wonderful having her next door to talk to and so that our children ,who are all close in age, to play together.
- Our Home- Last year we were living in a very small home with almost no yard and we were quickly outgrowing it. We found our current home and simply fell in love with it. It is so peaceful here as we are surrounded by forests on all sides and the kids have four acres to run and play on. There are two houses on the property and we were blessed to have my cousin and her family move in next door. The house is also much roomier and makes life so much easier.
- Modern Technology- I truly am thankful for the internet and other such modern luxuries. I have met some lovely online friends over the years as well as being able to keep in touch with friends and family who live far away. We do have a Hebraic Assembly in the next town over but because of family circumstances we aren't able to attend as frequently as we'd like. Through forums such as FFOZ, Torah Resource, and Biblical Holidays we are still able to fellowship with like-minded believers. I've also been blessed by the DSL that recently became available in our area. I can finally listen to audio teaching/sermons that I've had bookmarked, download some new digiscrap kits, and upload a bunch of family pics.
I know that is more than three but I couldn't narrow it down

Part B: Share your Thanksgiving Feast {past or present} You may use Photos, menus, recipes, activities, traditions…Be creative! –”Who carves the turkey?”, “Do you save the wishbone?”, “What do you serve for dessert?”, “Who hosts the Thanksgiving dinner in your family” ….my favorite…”What do you do with all those leftovers?”
We have Thanksgiving dinner at my mother and father's house. Its pretty much the same as it was in the past only now we have the eight grandchildren, my grandmother, my aunt, and my cousins ,who have moved down from Ohio in the past few years, who also attend. The feast includes turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, green beans, corn, and mashed potatoes with giblet gravy. My Dad carves the turkey and some years he makes deep fried turkey. For dessert we have pumpkin pie, cherry delight, cherry-rhubarb pie, and I look forward to many more treats this year since my grandmother has moved down. We usually eat and then the menfolk watch football while the women clean up and then play cards or board games. Everyone usually takes home plates of leftovers and my mom finds creative ways to use the rest of the turkey through the week.
This year I found the book
"The Little Pilgrim's Progress" by Helen L. Taylor which we have been reading through and I plan to read through every year leading up to Thanksgiving. When the kid's get a bit older I have my eye on the book
"Of Plymouth Plantation" that I would like to add to our Thanksgiving reading tradition. Last weekend I went to Books-a-Million's one day sale and found a ton of inexpensive children's books about Thanksgiving. I'm putting together a unit study using these books and some other resources which I hope to start on Monday. That about sums up our Thanksgiving celebration. I don't have any pics to share but I thought I would share a few of our favorite dessert recipes.
Cherry Delight1/2 stick butter
1 lg. can cherry pie filling
1 package dream whip(make according to directions)
1 (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened
1 c. sugar
Graham crackers, crushed for crust
Mix cream cheese and sugar for 2 minutes on medium speed. Then add Dream Whip. Mix graham crackers and butter in separate bowl. Spread in a 9x13 inch pan, put the crust in freezer for 10 minutes.
Then take out and spread your cream cheese and whipped cream mixture on the crust. Then put the cherry pie filling on top of the mixture.
Cherry-Rhubarb Pie
Crust for 2 crust pie
1 can cherry pie filling
2 c. chopped raw rhubarb
1 1/4 c. sugar
3 tbsp. minute tapioca
Pour into pie crust, cover with second crust and flute edge. Make air holes in top crust. Cover fluted edge with foil to prevent burning. Bake in 400 degree oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour until center of pie bubbles. Remove foil about 10 minutes before done. If crust is browning too fast turn down oven to 375 degrees after 15-20 minutes.
Part C: Post a Scripture that reminds you of your blessings!
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:"
~Ephesians 1:3~