Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Tag and A Update

1. Name your two favorite scrapbooking topics:
My Family and Faith

2. Where are the two best places you've been to?

Talladega (Nascar Race) and the Smokies(which we are very lucky to live within a hour/hour and half from)

3. Name two things you do every day: Read and Scrapbook

4. Tell us two things that pretty much everyone knows about you: I am a avid reader and scrapper

5. Tell us two things that everyone DOESN'T know about you: I am the queen of procrastination (working on this) and reality TV is my guilty pleasure.

6. Tell us two things that got you into the hobby of scrapping:
I love creative stuff embroidery, needlework, sewing, etc. and I started paper scrapping as another form of creative outlet. I discovered digiscrapping through making sig tags and though I still "tag" from time to time I digiscrap more often now.

7. Tell us two things that you want to accomplish in the next six months: I want to finish up our current curriculum and get my digiscrap LO's printed(I'm horrible about just leaving them on the computer :) ).

8. Name your two favorite scrapping tools: Lightroom to enhance photos and PSPX2 to scrap with.

9. Name your two favorite sources of scrapping inspiration: My photos in that they determine what type of LO I do and various scrapbook galleries when I just can't get inspired.

10. How has your scrapping changed since you started? 1)I've got to agree with Nikki on this I am trying to make simpler LO's when I first started digiscrapping I had this awful habit of trying to use everything in the kit...LOL...those LO's will probably never be posted online. 2)Since I have discovered digiscrapping I rarely ever paper scrap.

11. What scrapbooking project have you yet to try but would love to? Hmmm...I've seen a few altered journals, wooden letters, and such that I would like to try to make someday. Does that count?

Thank you, Nikki, for the tag which allowed me to update my once again neglected blog. I believe this is the goal that I am having the most trouble keeping up with. However, there are only so many hours in a day so I guess something has to go on the back burner.

In other areas of life my hubby and I are leaving for Florida on Thursday. He surprised me with tickets to the Nascar race in Daytona for our anniversary. WOOHOO!! I can hardly wait!! I mentioned a few months ago that it would be a awesome gift but since the race was sold out I didn't think he'd actually get them. One of his employees had something come up and couldn't go so he ended buying his tickets. We will be gone for five days and I don't have a laptop so that is five days with no net or scrapping. On one hand I think I might have minor withdrawal symptoms but then again my dh and I haven't been on a vacation alone in several years so maybe I won't miss it to much.

I had another bit of excitement last week when my biological aunt was finally found after 40 years of separation from her siblings. My dad was adopted at age 5 and he and his twin sister went to the the same home. Two other siblings bounced around from foster home to foster home and the youngest two boys were adopted. In the mid-eighties five of the siblings were reunited. They had grown up within hours of each other though they never met until this point. My biological grandmother was also found but they never made contact with my bio grandfather before his death in '95. They searched for Cindy(my aunt) for many years but had absolutely no luck even with the invention of the internet. My biological grandmother passed away two weeks ago and my aunt decided to have their story posted in the local paper. Within a few days someone that attended school contacted my Aunt Kim with two phone numbers and they were able to contact Cindy who now resides in Michigan. One of my aunts and one Uncle live in Ohio, one Uncle in Michigan, and my dad and his twin sister live in Ga. so a immediate reunion isn't possible. Everyone has been in contact by phone, IM, and email and they are planning a reunion sometime next month. Much to my disappointment my Aunt Cindy doesn't have any digital pics to send but I should be receiving some "regular pics" in the mail in the next few days. I am so excited to put a face to this aunt who I have heard about all these years and even more excited to meet her IRL. I do have some scanned pictures of them as children so I am hoping for some really good reunion pictures to make some scrap pages with. I am thanking the Lord that he answered our prayers and is reuniting our family!!!
Well I've got to get my behind in the bed. I've had a sinus cold for the last two weeks and finally broke down and went to the doctor today. He prescribed some cold medicine that has me wound up tight as a clock and it looks like I am going to have to force myself to go to sleep. Have a blessed day everyone!!!

1 Blessings:

I love your heading of your blog! It is great! Have a blessed day!

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