The Simple Woman's Daybook 9/21
Read other Simple Women Daybooks at Peggy's site: The Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside my window...there is rain of biblical proportions. It wouldn't surprise me if an ark came floating down our road :). Seriously though I really wish we could have a few days of nice weather.
I am thinking...about adding this art curriculum to our homeschool.
I am thankful for...a God that is great and that will see us through these troubled times we are facing.
From the learning rooms...Science-Tested a soil sample to see what type of soil is present in various parts of our yard and did a soil component experiment. Bible-Reviewed the parable about a man who builds his house upon a rock vs one who builds on sand(Matthew 7) Copywork/Memory Verse-Joshua 24:15 Creative Writing-Drew a rock sculpture Math-Subtraction review, matching fractions, and counting by 2s,3s,4s,5s,and 10s review. Language Arts-Worksheets on Long O sound Spelling-Reviewed spelling words and unscramble the words worksheet Music-Violin practice
From the kitchen...making homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner.
I am wearing...capris and a black tee.
I am creating...nothing at the moment but I hope to process and scrap our vacation photos later this evening or tomorrow.
I am watch the season premiere of House tonight.
I am reading..."The Forgotten Man" and "The Time Traveler's Wife". I also got an order in from the conservative book club so "The 5000 Year Leap" , "Liberty and Tyranny", and "End the Fed" are now sitting atop my to be read pile. Tomorrow "An Echo in the Bone" and "Arguing With Idiots" will be joining them. Then I will be on a purchasing freeze for a month or two while I whittle the pile away.
I am hoping...that my husband's plant shutdown is a short one and that he can find something locally to hold him over in the meantime.
I am hearing...the Glenn Beck radio program and toy trains chugging around a track in the living room.
Around the house...unpacking from vacation, washing clothes, and mopping the floors.
I am praying for...a quick turnaround in this troubled economy and wisdom to make tough decisions regarding our future.
One of my favorite spending time with my family.
A few plans for the on a resume for my DH, finish up lesson plans, and make a trip to Books a Million.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Jake and Sean doing the Mindball exhibit Wonderworks. You can read more about it HERE.
Wow! You must be a fast reader!
I agree with you about the economy. A quick turn around would be really nice.
Hope things go well for your husband and that you get the wisdom you need for your situation.
Bonita said... September 22, 2009 at 3:02 AM
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