The Simple Woman's Daybook 9/28

Outside my window...a cool, crisp autumn evening.
I am thinking...about either changing or adding to Cole's Language Arts curriculum. Lifepac is focusing on things he has already learned and this is after I skipped to the second K workbook.
I am thankful for...a wonderful hubby who spent most of his day off working on my car and praising God that it ended up being a rather simple fix.
I am flannel PJs.
I am remembering...the wonderful times we had on our trip to the Smokies.
I am do a little research on the homeschool laws in Indiana.
I am reading...the book of Ruth, "The Forgotten Man", Glenn Beck's new book, and "Blast to the Past:Ben Franklin's Fame" aloud with the kiddos.
I am get caught up on the mountain of laundry that I fell behind on this weekend.
Praying husband's coworkers as they face a layoff in a few short months.
From the learning rooms...Bible-Studying Matthew 5:13-16(Salt and the Light) and Genesis 11:1-9(Tower of Babel) Science-Studying electricity, Ben Franklin, erosion, and volcanoes. Social Studies/History-Studying Mesopotamia and service jobs. Math-Addition and Subtraction review Language Arts-Long Vowels Memory Verse/Copywork-Ephesians 6:1
Pondering these words...For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
From the kitchen...the aroma of a roast cooking for tomorrow's dinner.
Around the house...just doing daily chores and hoping to catch up on the laundry.
One of my favorite things right now~are these scents...

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